Appel à communications: Dialogues interculturels à l’époque coloniale et postcoloniale

Représentations littéraires et culturelles – Orient, Maghreb et Afrique occidentale (de 1830 à nos jours)

Colloque organisé par Hans-Jürgen Lüsebrink (université de la Sarre) et Sarga Moussa (CNRS, UMR THALIM) en coopération avec l’IHA (Niels F. May).

Ce colloque, qui aura lieu à l’Institut historique allemand à Paris du 8 au 10 novembre 2017, sera placé sous la responsabilité scientifique de Hans-Jürgen Lüsebrink (université de la Sarre) et de Sarga Moussa (CNRS, UMR THALIM). Niels May assurera la coordination à l’IHA.

Les propositions de communication, d’une demi-page à une page environ, peuvent être rédigées en français, en allemand ou en anglais. Elles sont à envoyer d’ici le 28 février 2017, avec un court CV, aux deux organisateurs: et

24-26 novembre 2016: colloque international Amérique du Nord – Océanie, enjeux des relations multimodales entre deux aires culturelles et politiques en mutation

cfp-sophie.JPG Continuer la lecture de 24-26 novembre 2016: colloque international Amérique du Nord – Océanie, enjeux des relations multimodales entre deux aires culturelles et politiques en mutation

Les interculturalités, État des lieux et perspectives, théories et pratiques

EidCynthia Eid, Fady Fadel, eds. Les interculturalités, État des lieux et perspectives, théories et pratiques . Fernelmont (Belgique), InterCommunications SPRL & Editions Modulaires Européennes, 2014. ISBN : 978-2-8066-2913-5

Actes du colloque de Beyrouth “Interculturalités !? État des lieux et perspectives, théories et pratiques” 2 mai 2012 – 4 mai 2012

Ce colloque interdisciplinaire constituait le premier volet d’une manifestation scientifique internationale co-organisée entre l’Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (laboratoire Suds d’Amériques/ILEI) et l’Université Antonine du Liban.

“Le thème du collectif porte sur « Les
interculturalités » État des lieux et perspectives, théories et pratiques.
Sa richesse est multiple : vingt-trois articles sont rédigés par des auteurs venant de onze pays différents, des hommes et des femmes, de confessions, de croyances et de religions différentes, du nord et du sud, de l’est et de l’ouest. De Beyrouth (Liban) à Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (France), deux axes constituent la toile de fond du collectif : le premier illustre le vécu de pratiques et les expériences  d’intertextualité « engagée », qu’il s’agisse de cohabitation entre communautés, genres, créations culturelles ou situations pédagogiques ; le second tente de déconstruire ces pratiques interculturelles et d’en dégager « l’anthropologie », en explorant le « biotope » de l’interculturalité, entre enjeux de pouvoir, postcolonialisme, psychologie sociale, histoire et enjeux institutionnels.”

Table des matières
Bon de commande
Commande en ligne (site de l’éditeur)

Le deuxième colloque, Interculturalités!? Etat des lieux, malentendus, perspectives, théories et pratiques a eu lieu à St Quentin en Yvelines du 12 au 14 septembre 2012.

La notion d’aires culturelles : approches philosophiques et sémiologiques

Compte-rendu de la journée d’études organisée par Damien Erhardt (SLAM/UEVE) et Jacques Pothier (CHCSC/UVSQ) à l’Institut des Amériques

logo_idaLe compte-rendu de la JE du 12 décembre 2013 à l’Institut des Amériques et les documents annexes sont en ligne sur le site du carnet TRACES.

Une deuxième journée d’études sur ce thème est organisée au GIGA (German Institute of Global and Area Studies) à Hambourg le 10 mars 2014 sous le titre “Conceptual Innovations in Area Studies (voir le programme). “

TRANSFOPRESS: transnational network for the study of foreign language press (XVIIIth-XXth Century)



By Diana Cooper-Richet

The press written in languages other than the national language(s) is an important historical, but also contemporary, international phenomenon, that can easily be illustrated by the following examples. In London, and later in Saint-Hélier (Jersey), between 1853 and 1856, Charles Ribeyrolles’s L’Homme, Journal de la démocratie universelle was put on the market for the French exiles of the 2 December 1851 Coup d’Etat. At the very same time, in Paris, the Anglo-Italian publishers, Galignani, were selling their English language daily, Galignani’s Messenger (1814-1886). Among communities of immigrants, periodicals in foreign languages were also being issued, such as La Estella de Chile (1891) in Paris. Other publications, were aiming at being the vectors of transatlantic communication. El Correo de ultramar (1842-1886), also published in Paris for the Hispano-American market, is one such example. Nowadays, similar papers are available in many countries. The Buenos Aires herald, A World of Information in a few words, founded in 1876, is on sale in the newsstands in Argentine. For the last few years, in Burma (Myanmar), travelers and residents have been able to read the Myanmar Times, Myanmar’s first international weekly. In China, they can refer to China Daily, in Moscow they buy Moscow News and if they want to push as far as Oulan Bator they will find The Mongol Messenger.

Despite their varying circulation, the quality and the durability of a certain number of them, most of these periodicals have rarely attracted the attention of the academic community, be it in France, Britain, the United States, Canada, or Australia, which are all countries of immigration. The only research conducted, on a few of these publications, has tended to focus on groups of political exiles. But it seems clear that these papers deserve to be examined for themselves, as periodicals belonging to the histories of the national press, providing information on the circulation of ideas, but also on that of scientific and technical knowledge. Yet, because of the “strangeness” of the language in which they are written, they have been almost completely neglected by the “official” histories of the book, the press and the libraries, which have essentially aimed at building national identities. A new, useful approach would be to consider these periodicals in a transnational framework. It could be stimulating, and no doubt more fruitful, for instance, to enable Latin-American and French researchers to work together on the 80 or more newspapers in Spanish, or on the reviews in Portuguese, published in Paris during the XIXth Century, in order to understand the context and the conditions of their publication as well as those of their reception and their dissemination.

Most of these periodicals have been totally forgotten in the world history of the press. The state of research on this extremely important corpus – more than 500 periodicals in foreign languages published in France during the XIXth Century, currently registered- is both embryonic and fragmented. The periodicals in foreign languages must be thoroughly catalogued, and research must be launched, considering that, in most cases, only their titles are known. When this initial stage has been reached and an annotated bibliography has been drafted, a first scientific conference could be organized in order to compare the results obtained by the different members of the network, more particularly concerning the different types of publications, the people who initiated them, the publishing houses which marketed them, the languages in which they were written, their networks, their longevity, their chronology, their content, their readers, their area of dissemination…. A publication could then be planned. It is, indeed, essential to cast a fresh look on these very specific periodicals. Studying them will help deepen the knowledge available on the circulation of persons and ideas, clarify the complex cultural transfers which they induce, enhance the understanding of the culturally mixed identities which they give birth to, thereby enabling the conception of a global history of the press in foreign language and its circulation in the world.

The colleagues, researchers and teachers, the students, of all fields –historians of the book, of the press or of immigration, specialists of a specific cultural area: Anglicists, Germanists, Hispanists….. – who would like to join this network are requested to contact Diana Cooper-Richet in charge of TRANSFOPRESS in cooperation with Michel Rapoport, researchers in the Centre d’Histoire Culturelle des Sociétés Contemporaine (CHCSC) of the University de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (UVSQ), France.

Paul Jay – Global Matters: The Transnational Turn in Literary Studies

Global mattersPaul Jay. Global Matters: The Transnational Turn in Literary Studies. Ithaca: Cornell UP, 2010. 231pp., Print.
Cornell Paperbacks: ISBN 978-0-8014-7607-5

Paul Jay’s book aims to historicize the evolution of literary and cultural studies, questioning the view that globalization may be a strictly contemporary or postmodern phenomenon in which economic evolutions would trump cultural issues. Jay contemplates a shift in focus in the field of English studies from a national to a transnational framework. In the romantic period, the nation could be regarded as the home  for single literatures and languages. The arnoldian model sawthe “best” literature as trnascending local and historical circumstances to embody universal truths and a relevance to the definition of a universal condition. The new engagement is with differences: transnational spaces, race, class, gender, hybrid identities, border regions. , so that “American studies” have become transnational. But Jay warns against “facile approaches to the study of cultural globalization that tend to simply celebrate diversity and hybridity without thinking critically enough about its effects.”

In its second part the book examines a handful of works of fiction that transcend the national boundaries to which they belong, thus embodying the “transnationalizing of English literature.”

Paul Jay’s book is reviewed in AmeriQuests 8.1 (2011) and elsewhere (see Paul Jay’s page on the book for his selection of reviews).


Ceci est le premier billet des membres du laboratoire CHCSC de l’Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines  qui développent leurs activités de recherche sur les aires culturelles des Suds américains (Sud des Etats-Unis, zone caraïbe, Amérique Latine) et sur le “triangle atlantique” (Europe, Amériques du Sud et du Nord) dans une perspective pluridisciplinaire d’anthropologie culturelle: identités, interculturalité et zones de contact, histoire, patrimoine immatériel et productions culturelles (littératures, médias audio-visuels, nouvelles formes de communication et d’expression). Grâce à l’arrivée de nouveaux membres, notre aire d’étude reste toujours fidèle à l’espace Sud, mais prend son envol à travers tous les Suds continentaux.


Le rapprochement de disciplines habituellement cloisonnées permet des regards croisés, garants d’une rigueur scientifique accrue. Si les chercheurs de Suds continuent de contribuer à l’avancement des connaissances et des pratiques dans leurs disciplines respectives, ils se retrouvent autour de projets fédérateurs à Suds.

Tout autant que le développement des savoirs, c’est la rencontre des représentations, des modèles et des méthodologies, autrement dit des « cultures » (régionales et épistémologiques) que Suds souhaite favoriser et étudier. Il entend mettre en question les zones frontières, ce que symbolise la barre horizontale de son logo.1

  1. Projection jusqu’au Pacifique de la ligne Mason-Dixon qui au dix-neuvième siècle constituait la limite symbolique séparant le sud esclavagiste et le nord []
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